Do you have what it takes to be the official FS2 commentator for
NA and EU Winter Crew tournaments?
Then give it your best shot! Be this season’s commentator and
receive awesome prizes!
Upload a sample of your commentator video on YouTube and
send us the link so we can watch it.
Audition Period: November 24th - 30th
Here’s how!
1.Make a full commentary video with this match:
2.Use the replay file provided. Do not use unnecessary video effects
(Such as zoom-in, color change, non-FS2 music etc.)
3.If you can show yourself commentating on the corner of the video,
you will get extra points.

4.No cursing or hate speech is allowed. Be fair and avoid taking sides.
5.If you have an extra person who wants to commentate along with you,
make a commentation video together. (maximum of 2 ballers including yourself)
6.Commentator should be available on Dec 5th/6th for Top 8 and final matches
Once you are done, upload your video on YouTube with this title:
“Freestyle2 Commentary by [your character name]”
Thread title: Commentary Audition by [YOUR in-game main character name]
Character Name:
Audition YouTube link:
Freestyle2 experience: ____year(s)
Additional comments:
Audition Winning Reward:
Astronaut Suits set (Permanent) & 2000 Gkash
Participation rewards for commentating will be awarded on Dec 5th and 6th:
4000 Gkash + lv.40 SPC coupon (any SPC that you want to have)
The Winner/s will be announced on December 1st.
So do you have what it takes?
Show us what you’ve got and be our official Commentator for this season!
Be free to create your own style, Freestyle!
-Team FreeStyle2