This update is self-explanatory. Before, it was difficult to really see how
much experience you have left until your next level up. A new system has
been added to help users see how much experience is left until their next
level up right next to their Character ID.
After the patch we have heard users experiencing difficulty in
blocking Short Layups. We have fixed this issue and the block should
be back to normal after this patch.

Many Ballers have been asking for Card Movers, Card Sub Atts, and Prism Cards
sales back. Thus we have prepared a full two weeks of all of these items that you
have been wanting after. Check below to see what kind of items are open during
this “Happy Card Week” event period.

The Card Mover is back for a limited time only. Check the link to learn more:
The [Happy Card Box] contains Card Sub Atts x3 and Prism Card x3.
Check here for more details:
During the Happy Card Week you will receive one more Card Ball for every
10 Card Ball purchases. Check for event details here: