Greetings Ballers,
We have received reports that a player for Team Original has used a Name Changer during the tournament. We have uncovered that the player GeeIPFI has used a
name changer during the tournament, this raised a red flag and prompted an
additional investigation for the player and the team.
After a deeper investigation, it has come to our attention that Team Original has
used an unregistered player to play for their Finals Match against Team Fuse (B).
They used a player named GeeIPFl (Uppercase I lowercase L) that is under a
different account compared to the account of player GeeIPFI (both uppercase I).
We have also found out that both players have also used name changers at
exactly 2018-12-09 8:53.
After a hefty discussion, we have reached a conclusion to disqualify Team Original due to violation of the Tournament Rules.
We now officially announce that Team Fuse (B) is the Champions of the
2018 Winter Tournament for EU Server.
We hope this would serve a reminder for players to stop violating tournament rules and to respect the integrity of the tournament.
-Freestyle 2 Team