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Interview with the Champions

NO.763 | Date: 2015-11-05 06:52:29


GM Lucy:
Winners of the Fall Season Mini tournament has been declared!
Some want it to happen, some wish it would happen and
these teams make it happen!
Meet the ballers who rule the Asia 1 Server tournament!
Ul2, LaDucky and  yuuYA of Hand of God
We also have here today, Milks and StyleZ the dirty dancing duo of
VIP crew from NA Server. They are not just graceful dancers but also
good ballers in Freestyle2 court.

The FS2 GMs had questions to ask the champions!

GM Porky: How long have you been playing Freestyle 2 basketball?

Milks: since CBT man i remember those east server.

LaDucky: I created by FS2 account last April, I played 5-6 hour per day.

Ul2: around 5-6 month and Ul2 was third character from begin.

StyleZ: CBT 2014, but I had a year break.

yuuYA: I played FS2 Taiwan server for around 1 month I think.
And for the steam server I started to play since the middle of August.
.so I guess it's around 4 months already.

GM Swift: How did you feel being one of the participants of the
Fall Mini Tournament? What preparations did you make to ensure
that you will win this tournament?

LaDucky:It feels good! I did not expect to win

Ul2: I have a good teammate and we trust each other.

yuuYA: I was amazed and of course nervous.
We didn't expect that we would win this tourney since we didn't know plans of
each team so we justanalysed the line up and predicted the style they might play.

Milks:I Wanna Thank My Teammate for giving me this chance to play.
Preparations? me and slip dirtydance over and over again.

StyleZ: It was great, I just kept talking to MsLonely and Slip to prepare myself.

GM Duke: How did you choose the players that will represent your crew for
this tournament?

StyleZ: I asked MsLonely

yuuYA: We met each other after we joined Hand of God and usually play together.
Before the tourney, Hand of God had a crew representative team competition then
we joined and luckily won it. (´·ω·`)

Ul2: We choose from a play style like yuuYa and LaDucky.

Milks: Well it’s like stylez is the crew leader since i got fired he wanted tonio
but tonio was so loyal to soldier king. His other option was archerW but he is
no longer in westso who else is he gonna choose?
And fairy, I recruited him when he was lonely and invited
him to play with me. And stylez we were team mated for a long time and got
over 100 wins in a row. Also there was slip who has unfinished business
to take care off after we lost in the finals.

GM Winter: What motivated you and your crew members to win this tournament?

LaDucky:  Rewards

Ul2: Rewards and Experience.

yuuYA: Well, I just wanted to try it out and challenged how far I could go.

StyleZ: My Crew members being loyal and waiting a year for me to come back.
I want to thank Milks, Slip(especially for giving up her spot in very nice way),
LegitKush,  Miss.F,  Strength, Fairy, and MsLonely.

Milks: Lost In The Finals and The Return of StyleZ.

GM Trifecta: What are your best memories of this tournament?

Milks: When i got a rebound over destory.
It was a beast tap dunk.  shoutout to all my east out there.

StyleZ: Game winning dunk in finals game3 and
when Slip dirty danced me during practice.

LaDucky:Winning many crew 

Ul2: Win the 1st tournament and my crew proud it.

yuuYA: The moment when the matches were so intense I could hear my heartbeat (*>.<*)
Playing under pressure is something that you have to experience it once.
It was so much fun and serious at the same time.

GM Duke:  Which was the toughest team you had to go up against in this

yuuYA: I think it was Overdream and especially PF player named ImTweety,
we played together quite lot when I was there till they kicked me out lol.
He knew my style already.

Ul2:  K a s k u s obviously so strong crew haha.

LaDucky: k a s k u s

StyleZ: QNMLGB, GODxSF was amazing, it really was hard to score on him.

Milks: i didnt really try in the tourney tbh so i cant really say

GM Nutmeg: What other things would you want to improve with your team
that will help you win the future tournaments?

LaDucky: Team Management

Ul2:  we need to practice more and more for winter tournament.

yuuYA: Personal skill and our team play style.

StyleZ:  Ping and defense.

Milks: My dirty dance with slip could be better she been cheating.
We need to be on the same team and we need to try harder.

GM Dime: What do you think is your crew's advantage against others crew?

Milks: We DirtyDance after we score.

StyleZ:  Being all East Crew. Have to focus and try extra harder.

LaDucky: Teamwork.

Ul2:  We have a good rebounder and good blocker and pointer reliable.

yuuYA: Hand of God is like a big family.
We have a lot of supports from many members ♥

GM Lucy:
 What phrase or words do you want to be associated with your crew’s name?

yuuYA: He commands the lightning and strikes its mark.
Hand of God. (No one can beat us except Kratos LOL)

LaDucky: The brackish.

Ul2:  Father, Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit.

Milks: try harder

StyleZ:  Champions

GM Nutmeg: Any shoutouts for your Crew members and other FS2 Players?

LaDucky: Kuy All Thank You.

Ul2: Enjoy when you playing FS2 cause you are truly baller of basketball.

yuuYA: To Hand of God members and all of my friends,
thank you so much for supporting me. To other FS2 Players,
normal character is as good as SPC so let's play normal char yay~

Milks:I wanna thank my fans! we did it! I know i failed u guys before but
we hold handsand got back up from where we left off. My fairy for that
beast def and shot.
Stylez for coming back to the game after 1 year of injuries and slip for
giving me the best dirty dances. I wanna also thanks every1 that tried to
stop us and I just want to say try harder next time.

StyleZ:  I want to thank my BFF GM Winter and GM Swift, VIP crew members,
my friends in fs2!
(Vuj, sk, tonio, Mslonely, Daily and all other friends who had my back),
and also everyone that participated in the tournament.