MAR 16 06:17 AM PST








Lucy Answers Your Questions!

NO.6344 | Date: 2017-01-12 06:32:16


Lucy: Hi Ballers,
I hope you had a wonderful start of 2017!
Sorry if it took a while to answer some of the questions that I received.
Here it goes!

Q1: Hi GM Lucy, it's been a while since we've talked. I feel sad that you
are leaving without revealing your face lol. (send pics) I think you've done
a great job for GK. So my question is what is your future plan? Do you
have another company to work with? that's all thanks! :)
Lucy: Hello! Crew master of Freeflow :) yeah it’s been a long time.
I’ll be still staying at Joycity but working in different department.  

Q2: Dear Lucy, If Thor will be replacing you as Project Manager,
what will your new role be? Will you still be with us?
Lucy:I have just moved to the 3on3 Freestyle Department last week :)
I’ll be working as 3on3 Freestyle project manager starting this year and Thor
will be the new Project manager of FS2. It is sad to leave FS2 players since
I have such good memories of you guys, MODs, tourneys and so on :( 
Also I feel bad for JPN players since I was the only one who can speak
Japanese among the FS2 Team. We will also release 3on3 Freestyle to
Japan soon, so I hope we can see each other soon on 3on3 Freestyle
(If you guys have a PS4…add me! XD).

Q3:Hello Lucyyyyyyyyyy, Where will the central server be located? :D
Lucy:Most likely Dallas, TX at this moment.  
If you ask when to move, I am not sure since it is up to Thor now. ? 

Q4: When will you add an event so we can get euro step
Lucy:You should be able to get one now :)

Q5:When can we get sp stam and sp speed?
Lucy:No…at this moment. That is only for Korean version.

Q6: does GK making new special characters or even new positions?
Lucy:Not sure about new positions at this moment. About SPC,
We are planning to release at least 3 SPC team per year. By the way,
we have already done voice recording for new SPC team last week.
This SPC team will be a really special team, so stay tuned.
Q7: Will there be any future updates for sakun shop ( more specifically, masks )?
The old ones are great, but looking at them kinda make me bored a bit :\
Lucy:Yes there will be. We have already made tons of Sakun items already.
Q8:Will there be a card sub-attribute changer sales in the future?
Lucy:Yes, there will be later. Also, you should be able to get them for
free as an event reward.
Q9:when will you release the ace of wulin character i really want to buy them all

Lucy:I can’t tell the exact date of the release but we are planning to release them
again this year.
Q10:What do you think about our MODs?

Lucy: Have you talked to MODs or checked out FS2 wiki? They are doing great.
I know there was an issue with Christmas MOD event, but it’s not MODs’ fault.
We have already stated clearly that if player team loses, they won’t be able to
get the reward… and the event rule didn’t changed and everyone followed the rule
correctly. However, I do clearly understand how much players wanted to win
against the MOD team to win SP deck. And the teams who lost by MOD team
would be depressed about losing the chance to get SP deck. 
One thing I have learned from this event is that we, FS2 team, shouldn’t make
an event something like MOD vs Players with big reward like SP Deck because
it is very stressful for both MOD and Players. If you have any negative feelings
about MODs related to MOD events, it’s FS2 teams fault because FS2 Team
made the event rule. So don’t be too harsh on MODs. Just let us know so we can
make a better event.
I hope you all understand that it is actually really hard to take good care of
someone/something when you have things to do in real life. Please be nice
to MODs, because they are also just normal players and they are doing this just  
because they love FS2 just like you. That would be my last word :-)