Greetings Ballers!
The more Legend Ranked card sets mean the more chances of getting a legendary cards or Legendary sets!
Freestyle 2 has now 5 New “Legend Rank” card sets which have been updated and added on
to the Card Ball system.
You can get a single card or a whole new card deck just like the SP edition cards already in the Card Ball.
So what’s so special about these new sets?
They have skills! Ever wanted to have double clutch on your C or PF?
Any position can use the card skills.
1. Wanna Play?

- suggested position: Center
- Card complete bonus: Post Up Quick Change I Skill
2. War of Court

- Suggested position: Power Forward
- Card complete bonus: Pick & Move Skill
3. I’m Here

- suggested position: Small Forward
- Card complete bonus: Quick Change Skill
4. Play together

-suggested position: Point Guard
-Card complete bonus: Double Clutch Skill
5. The Witch
-suggested position: Small Guard
-Card complete bonus: Pull-up Jumper Skill
New updated card has a bonus skill as a completion reward.

Skills will be automatically equipped in Card skill slot. (Wow 1 extra skill slot!)
So what are you waiting for?
Get more Card balls now, win free items and get lucky by winning a Legend Card set old or new!
Be free to create your own style, Freestyle!
-Team FreeStyle 2