[GM] Dime: DIY has been added to the game today! Click the DIY icon to start using it!

[GM] Nutmeg: Oh wow! Tell me more about it!!

[GM] Dime: You can now create new rare items by disassembling your double or old gear!
[GM]Nutmeg: Can you teach me how it works?
[GM] Dime: Sure! Let me show you
[GM]Dime: Here are the things you need to know!
1.Select the item/s that you want to disassemble.
**You can only select up to 5 items at a time

2.After disassembling items you acquire materials at random.

[GM]Dime: Here is a list of the materials that are used to make the new items:
A.High class materials
a. Gold Core
b. Sky Blue Core
c. Red Core
d. Green Core
e. Purple Core
B.Basic Materials
a. Paint Bucket
b. Paint Brush
c. Screw
d. Scissors
e. Wooden Hammer
[GM]Nutmeg: Wow that’s a lot of materials!
[GM]Dime: Yup that’s right and once you have acquired the materials needed,
you can now start assembling one of the following new items:

[GM]Dime: You can also add new attributes to your new Animation items and other permanent hat or backpack items using the “Acc. Attribute Coupons”!

[GM]Nutmeg: But where can I get an “Acc. Attribute Coupon”?
[GM]Dime: I am glad you asked! You can make them by using the new DIY system too.

[GM]Nutmeg: That’s good to hear they are totally free! How do I use them tho?

[GM]Dime: Yes its 100% free let me show you how they work
1.Create attribute coupon on the Attribute tab of the create screen.
2.Once you create it will automatically appear in your locker.
3.Select your attribute coupon in your locker
4.Once you have selected the coupon, another window will appear:

[GM]Dime: Take note of the following:
-After each match 1 attribute charge will be consumed when it reaches 0 you will have to recharge the item.
-You can recharge the attribute by using another “Acc. Attribute Coupon” on the item
-Once you add an attribute, the current number of charged attribute will be removed and it will reset to its max value which is 30.
[GM]Dime: You can also acquire all these other items from the new DIY system!

[GM]Nutmeg: Whats this item do? “Battery for effect & animation activation” and
why does it have such a long name?

[GM]Dime: Oh that item! Well since we have new items why not make them even more special by
giving them their own animations, but these animations are really special you can even see them
from the loading screen, let me tell you how to use it.
1.)The new items from the DIY system can be worn like normal items but will not have any animation
until the “Battery for effect & animation activation” is used on them.
2.)Once you create or obtain a “Battery for effect & animation activation” it will appear on your locker,
double click on it to use the item.
3.)Once you activate the item go ahead and select the item you want to animate, remember that the
animation will last for 7 days only after that you will have to replace the batter again
(use another “Battery for effect & animation activation” item).
[GM] Dime: Check out these cool animations!
A. Hair Accessories
B. Back Accessories
[GM]Nutmeg: Wow that’s so great! I can’t wait to try out the new DIY system!
[GM]Dime: Hurry! And play FreeStyle 2 now because now is the best time, we are giving away material boxes after matches and you can get even more materials from the numerous events were having this week.
[GM]Duke: Hey guys! What’s going on here?
Be free to create your own style, Freestyle!
-Team FreeStyle2