MAR 18 08:26 AM PST








New FS2 Player Mods!

NO.4188 | Date: 2016-08-31 23:33:16


Hello Ballers,
I’m glad to inform you that we have finally made our decisions on who will
lead our FS2 community as Player Mods! It was really difficult choosing from
so many great applications. But before making the announcement there are few
things I’d like to go over concerning the Player Mods.
About Player Mods
As mentioned before being a Player Mod is 100% voluntary.
There are many ways to help out the FS2 community and there are no restrictions
on what you can do as long as you are helping out! This could be:
-Helping users in need
-Creating guides for users
-Taking care of forums and communities 
-Report bugs or issues
-User event forums (coming soon)
These are only few of the many things you can do to help ballers out there.
And don’t forget Player Mods are volunteers. There are no rewards or gifts given for
being a Player Mod.
Assessment Period
It’s up to you on how you want to help the community. However there are a few
rules in being a Player Mod. 

First off, Player Mods will go through an Assessment Period of 4 weeks where
the GM team and the Player Mod Leaders will assess the new Mods to see if they
fit our team. As long as the Mods are helping out in the community and are not
inactive for a long time, they will successfully become full Player Mods.
Secondly, if the Player Mod is inactive for an extended period of time (2 weeks)
we will have to replace them with a new candidate.
When you become a full Player Mod, you will be given the Player Mod cape and
other more abilities that will aid you in helping the community more. 

About Player Mod Leaders
You might be curious on who these Player Mod Leaders are. They’re your
old Supporters that have been working with us till now! Player Mod Leaders
will be given a special in-game title to distinguish them from other Player Mods.
These Leaders are here to help the new Mods in becoming full Player Mods. 

They’re main role is:
-Guide and show the new Mods on how to be a great Player Mod. 
-Sharing any issues that arise in the Player Mods with the GM team 
-Help GMs in assessing new Player Mods
Currently we are only planning of having 3 Leaders per server. But whenever
there’s a case where a Leader has to leave us, the Leaders and GMs will vote
on who the next Leader will be from the original Player Mods.
These are our current Player Mod Leaders:

** Since all the supporters in the EU server have left, the GM team will choose
new Leaders for EU after the Player Mods go through the Assessment Period.

Now that we’ve gone through the specifics, without further ado, let me introduce
you to the new Player Mods!

Note: Three more ballers were added as Player Mods.

Joedefender for Asia
Alloces for EU
BurakkuJoka for NA

[Update] New FS2 Player Mods

Congratulations to the new Player Mods.
Please send in your forum usernames (nickname) to
[] via email so we can invite you to the
Player Mods Forum page.

-Team FreeStyle2