MrTrain: Well, I have played this game for 1 year when I came to U.S.
I'm from Vietnam, and Vietnam had the game that was the same with fs2,
I played position C and PF for 3 years in Vietnamand 1 year for US.
Vietnamese are the best rebber and I learned from them so much, so
when i started playingfs2, every1 wanted to play with me because of
my rebs. My C was CenterTain and I played with 175cm, which is
Dalbit (DG). But then, I changed to PF to practice more blocks. Thats it!.
KS was a dash crew, which is made by 2Four
(The champion guy wiith red suit hahaha sup darrian!!!). I joined
there because there are so many fun guys and help me to enjoy this
game :D
Dalbit: I started playing FS2 after the FS1 shut down. I have no
idea how our crew was formed since at that time, I wasn't even
lMercedezl: I started to play FS2 since I came to U.S. cuz
I also play FS2 in my country. KS was formed by MainEventZ
Rosalu and 4 Seasons in FS1 and it carried over FS2.
Junior: I like to start this by saying unban my boi Goon,
Thekk and Tonio. I started playing fs 2 when I quit league
of legend as a Diamond 3 support main,the Crew was
formed when the saltiest player in the world Revenge
decided to become a tournament winner.
[GM] Nutmeg: How were you selected to represent your crew?
MrTrain: Hm. Actually I was going to play dash system instead
of swing system because Dalbit has to work and he is always
busy. When I asked him to join, he said "LOL" . 100 times I asked
that He answered samething =.=. But as last minutes he told me
he could get off that day because it was only 1 day from top 8 trough
final. We were selected because we wanted to join lol :D.
Dalbit: At first, I was there as a sub member since I had to work
on that day. But somehow I managed to get a day off and enter
as a starting member. But long before that, a lot of people around
me wanted a swing to actually win a tournament, which really
lMercedezl:Good enough to join tourney.
[GM] Swift: How is the chemistry within the team?
Dalbit: I would like to say that we never used the mic during the
tournament. No voice chat, purely relying on each other most of
the time. I think this answers the question in terms of "level" of
chemistry that we have as a team
MrTrain: Dalbit is a swing guy, I wanted to play with him because
of his defense, and his floater wow i can say, "Blocks are
unacceptable haha" :D. and I played with him too much in reg
matches, so i can do something to help him score easier with
my movement. and Swing system needs a rebber so he and I
are connected. I improved my blocks too so he chose me :D.
jk eric :D
lMercedezl:Pretty well.
[GM] Porky: How did you guys prepared for the tournament?
lMercedezl:Practice, practice, and practice. No day off

Dalbit: Well, MrTain and I played with each other since year
ago, so we didn't really have much to prepare for it. My strategy
is very straight forward so there's nothing much to tell about it
MrTrain:Well , Nothing to prepare, we just played and won,
no times to practice cuz his swing doesnt need to practice
because no1 can block for sure!!!. only thing needs to practice
is me for the def.
Junior: I decided to play barbie online to try and find what clothes
would look best with the green jacket when I became a tourney winner.
[GM] Winter: During the tournament, you guys played well.
What triggered the good performances?
Junior: We have great chemistry they told me we win tourney ez
and I trusted them because good chemistry even tho I scored a
12 on my chemistry regent in high school, it was really hard I gave up.
MrTrain: Aw, this one, I wanna thank you to my teammates,
Eric Hunuchun, he always says to me, easy and nice wins as
regular matches, and we always do the dirty dance hahah:D.
lMercedezl:Trust each other on defense and offense.
Dalbit: All I can say is that it's all about trusting your teammates.
If you watch the 3rd game of the final, I really didn't trust my
teammates and tried to play all by myself. But I had to fix that
as quickly as possible on the next game. So it's all about trusting
your teammate and not making silly mistakes
[GM] Duke: What is the team you most look forward to meet
and why?
MrTrain:I think I was looking forward to meet Pushing team
because their chemistry are so good, its hard to defense him
even if u can , u will also give him some 3pt i can say that.
but he didnt join so yea ez, DBLL? not bad. except DBLL
and Qnm, every1 are easy lol.
Dalbit:The biggest goal would be playing with those
professional players in Korea. I really admire them with
their high level gaming sense. After all, they are the ones
that created all those strategies that are still viable today

lMercedezl:I was looking for Team QNM which is Pushing
because they are much stronger team, but they weren’t in
the tourney lol.

Junior: I wanted to face myself honestly so we could have
actual competition.
[GM] Nutmeg: Any advice or tips to fans aspiring to be
a pro FS2 player?
Dalbit:FS2 is a defensive game for most of the part.
If you got the defense then there is nothing to fear. But
on top of that, playing smart and being sensible is the
major part of this game. Every single move matters
when it comes to winning a game. Quickly catching
your mistake through your own senses and replays
will help big time
MrTrain: Hm guys. Just practice and you will be good.
ok? no trash talk.
lMercedezl: You don’t need Sp cards to become a pro all u need is find
good teammates and practice everyday.
[GM] Dime:To your fellow ballers, do you have any messages for them?
Or any shout-outs in general?

MrTrain: First of all, I wanna thank to my teammate which are
Misran ( Mercedez Benz :D) and Eric Honochun ( Dalbit) for
the pro teammates that i have made. I wanna thank to my bros
which are PROTO CHIEMP and Franz (FPJM), They are champion
in last big summer tournament. Proto is the best teacher for me
because he always taught me as lilltle stuff and I always improve
what he wanted me to do. Franz always talked trash to me and i
could defense better, also he gave me a lot of rice to defense, so
yea gotta apply for his rice company hahah :D Eddie:D. Next I
wanna thank Darrian (2Four) for giving me chance to play and
also you taught me something to defense and I used that as well.
Lastly, I wanna shout out to the whole KS discord which have some
spies there for suportting me, AND PASSIAC, thank you for suporting
KS when every1 said 3-1 for dUP in 3rd match? but naw it changed
to 2- 3 cuz those 2 loses Honochon wanted to give Kobe 3pt for the
hope:D anyways ggs DBLL. >>>> "Ring is the ring no matter if its big
or mini tournament" If you think it doesnt mean anything, why you
joined and lost 3 times. so Regret for NoaDa when u put C to play.

lMercedezl:Shout out to all my good friends that played with me since
I start to play this game and all the KS members yall the best.

Junior: No words can explain what I feel about them

Dalbit:I have my words for the GMs, but not the ballers. I really want to
discuss lots of things with GMs, but I will try to make it short as possible.
My strategy is part of swing strategy, which is specifically named
"Flly-oop Swing" in Korea. This is very limited and hard to master
since you need the cards most of the time. And people are not
exposed of this strategy because it is extremely hard to increase
your long layup range to max
I really want the swing strategy to be more spread and make the
game more dynamic, not only just "flly-oop swing" being the onlt
viable swing play
Even in Korea, players are still wanting for swing plays to be more
viable and game winning. And I think swing makes the game more
dynamic and fast paced compared to dash and iso
I really hope the GMs would listen and make the game more flexible
because that's what the word "Freestyle" is all about