it was an easy tourney win tbh.
Remove this **** out from tournaments at least already, that's so annoying.
Viserion:Ok, i got one funny moment. When we face against
FF team with 2 PF and 1 PGi often guard under area but my position
is SF shrewd type. The enemy PF suddenly push me and my friend
after he scored, so we just keep it cool until on second match and before
the first half ended, i blocked him and blow him away to the ground and
i was doing laugh out loud ceremony, it was so funny.
GM Swift: Were there any teams/ matches in particular
that had you worried? And if so, how did you guys overcome them?
StyleZ: Winning vs Qnmlgb was really tough I believe everygame
came down to last possession.
Ruroni: Yes there was one. We were worried when we got to
face FREEFLOW. We were worried with their ping. We handled that with
prayer and high hope to win haha..
Inadequate: I personally was worried to play against 'CN Stars' teams
becauseof their high ability and knowledge but luckily we overcame
it by the fact that they didn’t reach the finals :D
WoIfie:I was a bit nervous when we met FREEFLOW in semi-finals
since they oncebrought us to free match channel with a lot of slow
motions on the previous tournament.But thank Zeus it went all normal
so there was nothing to worry about by then.
HaxlX19l: I was not worried about any teams that we played against,
but my team was worried about 2PF Original's team for some reason.
I was confident in my team winningthat match because i knew that
original's team couldn't play really defence correctly. In the last
torunament we were playing with the SG so we had a bit problems
vs good 2PF's teams but this time with SF i knew we wouldn't have
any problems. I also expected CN star's team to be in the finals but
Logic won them and i'm happy for that because i like Logic's player
way more, and also Logic is my crew.
Anomaly: Our Final match versus Xriss and his team was the
toughest for me.We gained a good lead in the second game
and kind of relaxed. They came back, and it came up to a very close
third game to seal our victory and attain the status as the ballers of the
Viserion:There is one team that we worried but they not participate,
they were theprevious fall mini tournament champion, but if you talked
about the team that participate, it would be Free Flow, because
they were famous with their Lagging so we just afraid the match
didn’t work so well. But thanks to our friends support,
so we can overcome them.
DPOTY:look me in my face i aint got no worries. i think about slip
everytime so i know who im doing it for so i got nothing to lose
anyways slip gonna leave me after anyways.
Barwen: Original team was the team that was able to put us
down since it was bo1 only and everything could depend on luck.
And for sure final games were pretty close against Logic
(huge respect to this team). Actually, we were thinking
about facing CN Stars in the finals, but Logic guys did
really nice job beating em.
GM Trifecta: What are your crew’s current plans after winning this tournament?
HaxlX19l:Can't say much about that. We're all from Logic, so i belive we're
gonan goback in Logic again. We changed the crew only to be able to play
in the tournament because we knew that only 1 team from one crew could play
Also we'd like if ranked mode is gonna be up soon because we liked it a lot,
and we have much better matches in ranked mode than in normal games,
so hopefully you guys enable it soon.
WoIfie: Actually KASKUS has been planning to recruit ballers that are
not just strong but also have attitudes. Well I think that's our current plan
besides practicing fundamental skills and improving our gameplay of course.
StyleZ: Focus on Next Big tournament and just having fun.
Barwen: I dont know. Probably we'll come back to Logic crew :D
Wasn't decided yet.
Ruroni: Well we are gonna add more members and make
crew wars frequentlyto find crew exp to gain a ticket for the
next tournament.
Anomaly: DPOTY left the crew, I am on strike, and StyleZ is
currently controlling the game. Slip will carve the path for the
future as the new leader.
Inadequate:After winning this tournament we are ready to
win the next one just forour trophy collection.
Viserion:I really don’t know for sure, that’s crew master
problem not mine :D
DPOTY: like i said now that tonio got a ring with slip its time
for me to sit at the lobby and watch them dirty dance.
may even get kicked again or end up on another crew

GM Porky: Why do you like FS2? And what motivates you to be a top player?
Barwen:Freestyle is one of the most keeping you in pressure games.
1 mistake can make all your efforts useless. Even though sometimes its really
based on luck, that's what makes game unexpectable and interesting.
As for being a good player... I just love winning, nothing else :D
WoIfie: I'd definitely get rid of any other games just to play Freestyle 2 'cus
FS2 is the best sport (and mind) game so far IMO. Also, it feels extraordinary
to meet good friends from different countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam,
Aussie and Phillipines. What motivates me to be better is the super limited tourney
item rewards that no one else could never get.
DPOTY: i dont like fs2 i lost passion only reason i play is slip.
HaxlX19l:I dont know, i think i just like the game. I personally dont like
basketball much in real life, but this game is just fun to play in my opinion
so that's why i play it. About motivation, every game i liked and played for a
long time i tried my best to be one of the top players. For me self-improvement
is the most important thing and everyone should first look at their selves
and try to improve themselves before blaming anyone else.
Ruroni: I love basketball. This game looks like real basketball.
Keep practicing and creating more tactics to improve our playstyle.
StyleZ: I just Love Basketball, My fav sport by far.
Inadequate: I enjoy playing FS2 because here you can create your own style.
I am motivated by my team because I don’t want to disappoint them when playing,
therefore I try my best to reach the highest level I can.
Anomaly:I like it because of how perfectly balanced it is.
There is no P2W advantage like in other games, and the servers are
extremely stable. It's just a flawless experience, truly.

Viserion:Because since i was kid, i just loved basketball so much.
I played every game of basketball. And when i was in middle school grade 2,
i met K A S K U S player in FS1, we play together without age as restriction,
we joke together, we mock each other without hurting anybody feeling. Till we
become representative of Indonesia to compete at FreeStyle World League
(FSWL) 2012, Jeju Island, Korea, in the name of “Kaskus Mother’s Pray” and
now we became champion of Asia, so this is our achievement and we must hold
it with pride not shame. and i don’t have motivates to become top player,
i just played this game for fun and for relieved my stress, and if i loved it i’ll play it.
GM Nutmeg: Give your shout outs to your fellow ballers who believed,
supported and doubted your crew!
StyleZ: First, Thank you VIP. DPOTY and Anomaly did great,
im really proud of them, I wana thank Slip and Fairy also as my PGs.
WoIfie:I wanna thank my good friends Donkey, Leboy, Ul2, Thao,
Tweety, Vinz and other fellow Indonesian players for making this game
way more fun than ever (and thanks for your support during the tourney).
Also KASKUS members who's always there to support us no matter how
small we are in numbers. #CantStopTheFaith
To Yinchen who skipped his dinner that evening just to watch us play the tour
and Lana who taught me how to dirty dance; you vai ca anjing chibei kuy lek I love
you guys.
Special shoutout to some ladies who trashtalked our crew behind my back.
Nice try, girlz, but please try harder next time, yeah?
I also wanna thank GMs for hosting the tourney. Make offline tourneys possible
HaxlX19l:First of all, i wanna give a shout outs to my teammates.
Dudi, Inadequate and the dodger aka. Bobby. They did such an amazing job
in this tournament and they're the main reason why our team won it. Also wanna
congratulate the Logic's team on the 2nd place. They're my pals and i'm glad that
they were at the top with us. And ofcourse thank everyone who belived in us,
hopefully we could get some good games with you guys.
DPOTY: shout out to the old slip for playing with me all the time.
Inadequate: I would like to give shout outs to Taskmaster, PaloAlto, iSlaunger,
Lion, RexNi and to all players from Moldova that supported us.
Viserion:Ok! This is what I’ve been waiting for. Ok first for my mom.
Hey mom!! Your son won the championship!! Thank you for allowing me
to play this game, without your permission i wouldn’t be able to play this
game and became a champion. And for Mr. NguyenNguyen aka. llLana,
Mr. Christian James aka. yinchen18, DonkeyDrew, and Mrs. Thao,
thank you for supporting and believing on us.
And for who doubted K A S K U S ..... sorry,gomen,byanhae ~

Anomaly:Grandmaster, thank you for giving me the chance to play
in a tournament with you. DPOTY, thank you for motivating me before
and during games. Slip, thanks for all the DD before the tournament.
I know you couldn't be there to cheer on me from the start, but you gave
me enough energy to last through that.. Kevin....fam....smh... Soldier King,
thank you for shaping me into the player I am today. You are the only man
I can proudly call my teacher. Brion, thank you for all the great 1v1 matches
we had. It helped me stay in shape. Thanks to the entire VIP crew for
cheering on us. You guys are the best cheerleaders in the game,
otherwise we wouldn't have won.
Barwen:I dont think many people supported our crew, for some reason people
always say we will lose :D So shout out to Logic crew for supporting us all time
and giving us a good fight in the finals and shout out to average crew and my
best wishes for you to get better and be able to participate in the tournaments
on the best level. Good luck anyone ^_^
Also, special shout out to our pf DontCare who can’t take part in this interview
and made insane impact on our tournament result.
Ruroni: "Let the Games Flow" GO KASKUS!