1 .You can get 1 Vending Machine ticket by just logging in to the game.
2. You can purchase more Vending Machine tickets at a low price!
2. Draw FreeStyle Machine will be activated for only 15 minutes on each hour.
Ex: Active 15 minutes on 03:00, 04:00, 05:00, 06:00…)
3. The remaining amount of items that can be obtained in the machine decreases
each time a baller draws.
4. If a baller wins the "Main Prize" the Machine’s remaining amount of prizes
will reset.
Poppin J/Elevation FS skill box (one star) in the first vending machine.
Two Star Poppin J/Elevation FS skill box in the 2nd machine and
Poppin J/Elevation FS skill box (3 stars) in the
3rd machine!
Poppin'J (for SF,SW,PG,DG,SG) &
Elevation (for C, PF, CT)

The following items can also be obtained in the Draw FreeStyle machines:
Freestlye Ticket x1
Freestyle Ticket x3
High Class DIY
Low Class DIY
Toy manual
EXP Coupon 100
VIP Megaphone x1
Toy Coin
Megahpone x1
If you do not have enough vending machine tickets, you can purchase it using