Look out! Here comes Dr. Isaac and his team of AI Bots the MC. BB!
Event Mechanics:
1.You will be randomly matched against Dr. Isaac’s AI Team during the Event period
2.Your team will be given a limited time to win a losing game against the AI
3.Receive tokens from the match and trade them for awesome prizes.
4.You will receive more tokens from winning the match and less if you lose.
Fever Mode
-Fever Mode Time:
-During Fever Mode, you will have a higher chance in meeting Dr. Isaac’s team
and also will be able to receive more tokens from the match.
AI Teams and Tokens
-You will be matched against one of the three AI Teams according to your
team ELO. Harder AI Teams will reward you with more tokens.
Reward List
-Check below for all the rewards you can get from this event!

Position: SF / SW / PG / DG / SG
Tower Crane
Position: C / PF / CT
-Team FreeStyle2