Event Period:
9/28 – 10/11 23:59 (PDT)
Event Details:
Earn Epic coin and exchange it for tremendous items!
How to earn Epic Coins?
You can earn Epic Coin for every 2 Team matches and every 20 minutes
that you are in-game.
1. You can acquire 10 Epic Coins from every 2 matches.
(maximum of 100 coins per day / max 20 matches)
2. You can acquire 5 Epic Coins for every 20 minutes that you stay online
a day. (for 120 mins, maximum of 30 Epic Coins per day)
3. You can only get Epic Coins from the 3 on 3 Team match and not from
individual matches.
Check out the items you can get in the epic coin store:
Main Rewards:
Moonlight Sword
Cherry blossom Hair

Horse for the New Year

You can add +7attribute to these SAKUN items.
-Smile Mouse Helmet
-Smile Mouse Helmet (Y)
-Smile Mouse Helmet (P)
-Team FreeStyle2