Tired of your old FreeStyle skill?
You need new moves to show off to other ballers!
Get Skywalker and Jungle freestyle skills by collecting Liu’s Heart
missing pieces!
Event Period: 07/06 – 7/19 23:59 (Server Time)
Collect love letter every after a match and complete Liu’s heart and
get one of these cool freestyle skills! You can get a new skill for sure (100%)
once you complete this event!

Here’s how!
1. Play a match and collect 1 Love Letter every after a 3vs3 team match.
2. You can get up to 10 Love Letters per day!
3. Complete the 77 tiles of Liu’s heart and get a Freestyle Box!
**Only 1 Freestyle skill is obtained per skill box the skill
will be determined by the position of the character that opens the box.
** Liu’s Heart will not reset after completing all the heart’s missing pieces.
Position: SF/PG/SG/SW/DG
-Team FreeStyle2