Greetings Ballers,
Do you think you know everything about Basketball and FS2?
Let us test your knowledge!
Come and Join the “Quiz Show with the supporters” event on February 7th!
This is a player held event under the supervision of the GM team.
Event Schedule:
Date: Feb. 7th
Asia server: 4AM to 5AM (PST)
EU Server: 5PM to 6 PM (CET)
NA Server: 5PM to 6 PM (PST)
Event Mechanics:
1. Ballers must be in the On-Air Channel 15 mins before the event starts.
**FS2 Supporters will let the players know 15mins ahead by sending a notice
via the megaphone that the quiz event will start

2. The Supporters will ask basketball/FS2 trivia questions
3. Whoever gives the correct answer first wins!
Questions 1-5: 3 Toy Coins
Questions 5-10: 1000 Points
Questions 11-14: 2 card Balls
Last Question: 50,000 Points
If you have any questions about the event, you can ask the FS2 Supporters!
-Team Freestyle2