Prepare for an unforgettable spree of discovery!
The Grace Unique Secret Box is filled with rare treasures and exclusive rewards
waiting just for you.
From iconic outfits to powerful upgrades, it's your moment to unlock
game-changing items that will take your skills and style to the next level
on the court!
2024/10/10 00:00 ~ 11/12 23:59 (PDT)
- Normal and Rare Keys can be purchased or obtained as a reward by
completing Unique Missions.
- Rare Key can only be used if you have a Rare Box available.
- Rare Box can be obtained by using Normal Box Keys or completing
Unique Missions.
- Unique Missions resets every day. (00:00 Server Time)
- If you open a certain box, you'll earn Mileage points.
(Normal Box: 1 Mileage / Rare Box: 2 Mileage)