Set forth on an exceptional voyage with the Grace Unique Secret Box!
Explore a realm brimming with exclusive rewards, uncover hidden delights,
and elevate your gaming adventure to unparalleled heights.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by!
2024/04/17 00:00 ~ 04/30 23:59 (PDT)
- Normal and Rare Keys can be purchased or obtained as a reward by
completing Unique Missions.
- Rare Key can only be used if you have a Rare Box available.
- Rare Box can be obtained by using Normal Box Keys or completing
Unique Missions.
- Unique Missions resets every day. (00:00 Server Time)
- If you open a certain box, you'll earn Mileage points.
(Normal Box: 1 Mileage / Rare Box: 2 Mileage)