Welcome to Make it Rain's new season! The second half period will start today!
Just by logging in and playing several matches, you will automatically be part of the event!
Accumulated number of matches played & Login Time Event has a corresponding coin rewards!
Event Period: 11/9/2022 00:00 - 12/13/2022 23:59 (PST)
First Half Period: 11/9/2022 - 11/22/2022
Second Half Period: 11/23/2022 - 12/13/2022
Coins and other event currencies will reset after the first period.

1. Start Up Dash
Complete the missions and acquire various rewards!
Reward Packages Details
Receive each rewards and packages by completing the missions provided!
Mileage Reward
By earning Mileage points, you may earn
Gold Coin Bag for rewards below
2. Wheel of Fortune
- Login and get one (1) Ticket per day.
- Use the Ticket to spin the wheel and get Event Reward!
- Received Gifts can be found in your Gift Box.
Note: 1 Ticket per game (9 per day limit)
3. Login Time Event
Dont forget to claim your cumulated login time rewards!
4. Coin Shop
Log in during the event period, accumulate coins, and get your desired items at the FS2 Coin shop.
Receive 1,000 coins for the first login and 200 coins per regular match
(up to 10 times a day) during the event period.
Exchanged items can be found in your Gift Box and any remaining coins will be
removed after the event.
Outfit Preview:
Card Preview:
Materials Preview:
Enhancement Pieces Preview:
Other Items:
~ FreeStyle 2 Team