PST / AM00:00 01.01
NO.9227 | Date: 2019-01-16 15:27:01
How do I level up Mastery Skills?
You must first equip the Mastery Skill in order to gain experience to level it up.
Mastery skills level up every game you play, whether you win or lose, your
equipped Mastery Skill Tree will gain experience! Naturally, you get more
experience when you win games. Your other Mastery Skill Trees also receive
10% of the experience that your equipped Mastery Tree receives.
"You can freely equip between Mastery Trees without
any charge!"
I picked the wrong skill to equip, can I change it?
Yes, if you have mistook which skill to equip, you can still reset the Mastery Tree.
You can buy Mastery Reset items in the shop for 470 GKash.
Mastery skills provide more complexity and fun in deciding how to play the game.
You create your own skillset, you are free to create your own playstyle. This is