Crew Emblem/Uniform Customization
NO.3052 | Date: 2016-06-08 02:57:06
Crew Emblem and Uniform Customization has been added to the crew system!
A. Emblem Customization
-Your crew emblem represents as a distinctive badge of your crew.
Crew emblem customization has 4 layers.
Emblem’s 1st layer: Background
Select your emblem background; the base design of the emblem.
You can select from various designs. You can purchase the locked design
using your crew points.
You can also change the Main and the sub color of your selected design.
Emblem’s 2nd Layer: Badge
Select your emblem’s badge
Just like the first layer, you can select from various designs.
You can purchase the locked design using your crew points.
You can also change the Main and the sub color of your selected design.
Emblem’s 3rd Layer: Figure
This layer shows most distinct figure of your emblem.
Emblem’s 4th Layer: Text
You may discard your selected design by clicking the
"-" while in select design section.

You need to click
“Apply” button in order to save the selected design.
B. Crew Uniform Customization
The Crew Uniform will be used in crew matches consist of top and buttom.
Each Part contains of 3 elements such as the basic design side line and border.
**Crew Uniform will be shown automatically during the crew League match.
**Crew members can only use the uniform inside crew league matches.
it will not appear on their locker.
You should choose the sub color instead of the default design for the
crew matches.
** Your jersey’s sub color serves as destinction to other crew’s uniform.
You need to click “Apply” button to apply the current design.
a. Jersey Number