PST / AM00:00 01.01
NO.13764 | Date: 2021-09-15 02:47:20
Greetings Baller,
Calling all Newbies! The 3.6.9 and Saru MyPick Event is back for New Users!
Ballers who created their accounts starting September 15th, 2021 will able to
collect rewards for the said events in-game.
Event Mechanics:
[My Pick Event]
1. From the PICK! PICK! are on the right, pick your desired rewards
2. Once you select the rewards that you want, you can begin the gacha
3. If you are having a hard time picking what you want, click the "Auto Select"
4. The selected rewards can be canceled and reselected any time
5. The obtained item/s will be sent to your Gift Box.
*You cannot use the purchased currency when the event period ends.